ontario raquet club
Client Profile and Case Study

McKinley has facilitated several learning and development sessions for the senior staff of the Ontario Racquet Club.
McKinley uses its needs analysis process to determine the learning design to meet the current needs of the organization.
ORC has leveraged several different assessment tools over the year to help in the evidence based design of the learning solutions.
One assessment in particular was the “Organizational Culture Inventory”, where staff had the opportunity to measure the current state of the culture and the ideal or desired state of the culture.
The results provided the team insights on their behaviours as a culture and how focusing in on 2 – 3 key areas would improve the culture on multiple levels from financial to employee engagement and satisfaction.
The ORC is a fast-paced multi-sport club that operates close to 18 hours a day. So one of the design considerations was how do you continue to practice and apply the learnings from the sessions.
McKinley used its “Learning Loop” process to support the staff is practicing and applying the teachings on the job. This provided the opportunity to have less “classroom style” learning and increase the application of the new skills.
Over the course of the relationship the learning and development themes have included challenging conversations, organizational culture, leading peers, fusing team success, the power of stories, motivation, ownership and accountability.