Rosedale Golf Club
Client Profile and Case Study
rosedale golf club

McKinley had worked with Rosedale Golf Club’s previous (now retired) General manager and team for about 5 years.
When the clubs’ new GM joined, McKinley was asked to begin exploring opportunities to support the senior and clubhouse team in coming together and leading in a new culture.
A tailored program was developed to support both the senior team and the clubhouse team over the course of the season.
Using an assessment-based and evidence-informed approach, McKinley could kick off the live sessions with much greater insight into how the team was operating, how they were showing up, and what their perception of the culture was.
Measuring the perception of the culture at 2 levels allowed for a tailored approach to training that met the needs of each group.
The senior team took the assessment process one step further by completing one of McKinley’s go-to leadership assessments, the PXT. This provides deep self-reflection insight into themselves and how they’re mapped in their role on the team.
Phase #2 of the program involved a month-long application assignment that each of the senior leaders completed with their respective teams on the job. This process increased the ability to change behaviors, habits, and practices on the job. Moving from theory to practice increased the team’s ability to apply what they had learned in the classroom to over 80%.
After each application assignment, the senior leadership team mets for a team coaching session to debrief the application assignment. This coach-led, facilitated process allows for the team to revisit, refine and continue to learn from each other and the subject matter experts.
This process increased awareness of the culture as it stands today and where the team would like to go. It provided senior leaders a better understanding of themselves. It provided for breakthroughs on how team members were showing up and how the behaviour of others was impacting their performance.